Reviews, Stories, Forums, and more
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Grampian Owners Marina - The G26

History, specifications, and details on every boat Grampian ever built.
Includes original documents, brochures, tips & advice, stories and voyages, and an ongoing inventory, with photos, of known Grampian boat and boat owners which are still afloat.
Grampian 26 Forums:
Sailboat Owners Discussion Groups:
| Yahoo!Groups Grampian Sailboats This is a place Grampian Sailboat owners can interact and share information. | ||
| SailboatOwners Forum There is a Grampian specific section, and this forum is also geared for all sailboat owners. | ||
| DelphiaForums Grampian Sailboats For Grampian line of sailboats. Share or ask other owners how to deal with a problem you have. | ||
| Sailnet Sailing Community Another well establish active site for all sailboat owners, also with many Grampian 26 interactions | ||
| CruisersForum Yet another fine sailboat owners discussion group having many Grampian members |
A closed group facebook page (currently with about 50 members) for owners of all model Grampian boats.
Grampian 26 Owner sites:Interesting websites of individual Grampian 26 owners:
In no particular order. These are just a list of links pulled from my bookmarks. They are all Grampian 26 specific personal blogs and websites. Some of them I haven't visited in a while, but I'll be adding brief descriptions of each link sometime in the near future.
- Sailing Vessel
- Just bought a Grampian
- Dalloway: Grampian 26 in Progress
- Grampian 26 Sailboat Restore
- Wanderer a 1970 Grampian 26
- Highland Fling, my Grampian 26
- Restoration of a Grampian
- Rebuilding, outfitting, and adventuring on a Grampian
- Voyager Grampian
- Paul Aboard!
- Saphira
Grampian 26 Reviews:
Reviews from magazines, books, and websites:.
Reviews from magazines, books, and websites:.
Canadian Yachting Magazine
October 28, 2002
By Paul Howard.
SNIPPETS: It was one of the nicest sails I have had in my home waters.. In the past 24 years, this Canadian boat has been spotted in waters around the world. ..I have never heard the Grampian 26 described as a "pretty boat" but she is comfortable for her size... Many owners describe her as the ideal minimum-sized boat for a cruising couple... with standing headroom and a minimum length (remember, marina charges are by the foot!), the Grampian 26 could fit the bill. Read the entire review online:
Sailing Magazine
2008 November 10
By John Kretschmer
SNIPPETS:: It might not be a looker, but this inexpensive pocket-cruiser is just the ticket
Those golden years,.. produced some notable boats and a lot of forgettable boats. Despite the fact that it may not be the most handsome boat afloat, and that's putting it charitably, the Grampian 26 falls into the notable boat category... this roomy 26-footer was well-built, sailed better than it looked and has endured as something of a cult boat for those looking for a capable but inexpensive small least one Grampian 26 has completed an Atlantic Circle and countless others have made the long trek from the Great Lakes to the Caribbean and back, and that qualifies as seaworthy.
Read the entire review:
Good Old Boat Magazine
March 2009
Issue 65
SNIPPETS:: In the early 1960s, Jim Bisiker, in collaboration with Dirk Kneulman and John Burn, formed Canada's first production sailboat company...The Grampian 26 has nice lines with it's spoon bow, delicate sheer, and a flat counter stern... the boats other notable feature is the cockpit. It's a generous 7 feet 10 inches long with reasonably high coamings and comfortable seats... in 1967 it's 6-foot headroom, berths for four, head, and galley were extremely appealing and well received by the buying public...
Purchase this back
Practical Sailor Magazine
November 1982
SNIPPETS: A Plain Jane cruiser from one of Canada's oldest builders sports 6-foot headroom at a bargain price... By 1961, a handful of European builders were also working with woven glass fibers and polyester resin, laying up hulls in female molds. In Canada, one of the first was Grampian Marine Limited of Oakville, Ontario... The Grampian 26 was introduced in 1969.... Full article available online for subscribers:

- Be sure to see and read a scan of what must be the earliest published review of the Grampian 26. It reviews Hull #1 before it's launch and is from an unspecified boating magazine circa 1968. See it full size near the bottom of the G26 ads page right here on this site:
- Also see the "In The News" Pages for more published content concerning the G26
Grampian 26 Stories:
Various narratives about the Grampian 26:
Scott's Boat Pages
March 29, 2002
By Scott B Williams
SNIPPETS: ....I drove to the Tampa/St. Petersburg area with cash in hand.. Most of these boats were either too run-down for the asking price if they were big enough to meet my needs, or too small or lacking in sea going quality if they were in great condition.. The first leg of the trip would include a 160-mile offshore passage.. so needless to say, I had to be picky about choosing a boat that could do this with reasonable safety...I was about to give up when I made a last drive to Clearwater to look at yet another one and while walking down the dock noticed a "for sale" sign.. I learned that the boat was a Grampian 26 - a Canadian design that I knew nothing about.. Read entire article online or download pdf:
Sea Kayaker
June, 2006:
by Scott B. Williams
SNIPPETS:: I rowed the dingy through a maze of obstacles--sailboat rigging, overturned hulls and downed trees blocking the waterway. I scraped across something solid just under the surface. It was the cabin top of a sunken sailboat, about the size and shape of mine. I looked closely into the dark water but was relieved to see that this boat was not Intensity .
Read entire article online or download pdf:
- (Also see 'In The News' and 'In The News 2' section)
Various Authors
.- David Hennessy - ..We had never sailed a sailboat in our life before we purchase our G26. As a submariner though, I had a lot of experience at sea, navigation and ship handling. I felt quite confident that I could train our all girl crew and as it turned out the girls were great responsible sailors.
. - Glen R. Abernethy - ..As we were sailing across the bay we reminisced about my Grandfathers G26 on Lake Ontario (Jacmar). It was the boat we learned to sail on when we were children. He sold it in 1986 just before he passed away. ..Well, three days later I had it tracked down, told the owners who I was and my sister's desire to have our Grandfather's G26. At first they didn't want to sell..
. - Jim Birmingham - ..I had never even seen a Grampian let alone sailed one, but after 30 odd years of sailing everything from dinks, Hobie Cat’s and crewing on many a larger sloop, I felt up to the challenge.. once we got to the Hudson we raised the main and I got my first taste of sailing on a G26...
. - Jimmy Schools - I kept pushing trying to bite closer to the mark and ended up doing some beautiful 360 degree "pirouette". After doing 3 or 4 of these I notice my main problem. My main halyard was wrapped around the top of my spreaders. I didn't notice this until I was almost half way across, exhausted, wet, hungry, and totally frustrated...
. - Paul Conry - I was in the process of putting the hinge back onto the base of the mast. Imagine my horror as the hinge slipped from my grasp and bounced off the dock into the icy waters of Lake Ontario (and a depth of approx. 25'). I did not know what to do!! I assumed that this part would be next to impossible to find,.. I had just spent two years re-building her...
Grampian 26 Misc: Miscellaneous Links of Interest:
The Sailing Yacht Design Database is free to use and targeted at Yacht Design Studios, Students and Enthusiasts researching parameters of existing designs (LWL, DSPL, SA) for use in their design projects.The app lication has been developed by Paul Keane with direction and input from Eric Sponberg. Read the complete story behind the original idea to develop the application. The European Institute of Yacht Design have also recently published a companion article on the development.
Visitors can search through over 3000 Yacht Designs and generate reports about specific yachts which include comparative scatter plots.
There is also a method for site guests to contribute new data so that this site might grow and become a community resource.
Grampian 26 Videos
Watch Grampian 26 videos found on Youtube.
Although this websites name indicates a specific focus on Grampian boats, there's actually little mention at all!.. Nevertheless, it provides some good content. On the front page is found a brief description of what kind of site it is: "This is a tribute site for all old fibreglass sailboats and those who sail them".. So yes, The Grampian 26s do fall under that category!
If you have a link to add, post it below.
If you have a link to add, post it below.
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