What's this got to do with the Grampian 26 or sailing?.. Nothing really, but for some reason a memory about the rat and the mole rowing down the river entered my mind, so I did a quick search and came across this quote from the book.. In the story, Mole and Rat are rowing up the river in the boat, when Rat explains:
"..Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing — absolutely nothing — half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats. Simply messing... about in boats — or with boats. In or out of 'em, it doesn't matter. Nothing seems really to matter, that's the charm of it.
Whether you get away, or whether you don't; whether you arrive at your destination or whether you reach somewhere else, or whether you never get anywhere at all, you're always busy, you never do anything in particular; and when you've done it there's always something else to do, and you can do it if you like, but you'd much better not..."
What a great quote!
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