But for now, I'm going to address another issue...
Why is the G26 a ugly boat?
In the midst of the discussions at sailnet.com alone, you can find a multitude of instances expressing opinions on how beautiful the Grampian 26 is..
Here are only just a few excerpts found throughout that site through the years....
"Had look at your Grampian 26, then did a google on a few more, not the prettiest boat but they would certainly fit my bill, very practical, seaworthy, & roomy for a trailerable..." -CaptKermie
In the midst of the discussions at sailnet.com alone, you can find a multitude of instances expressing opinions on how beautiful the Grampian 26 is..

"I keep looking at all these boats and keep coming back to the ugly as sin Grampian . It's the leader so far I think,.." -eMKay
"..And you're right, the G26, though something of an ugly duckling, sails very well, esp to weather,.." -Faster
"..and even the Grampian 26 (a bit of an ugly duckling, IMO, but a surprisingly good sailing boat)" -dumbguy
"..Grampian 26 (very "old shoe" Canadian boat of the 1970s). Ew. (English expression of disgust.).. And I like Grampians.. I was actually referring to the style of the coachhouse front. See? Looks like a baby's forehead and makes for a short foredeck." -Valiente
"We all know there are some ugly looking boats out there.. Grampian 26, the proportions of the height of the cabin top look off, but I guess that's the price for head room below!.." -Greatlakes47
"We all know there are some ugly looking boats out there.. Grampian 26, the proportions of the height of the cabin top look off, but I guess that's the price for head room below!.." -Greatlakes47
"Grampian 26 for lots of room on a small boat and standing headroom. Sails great but looks a bit ugly..." -philsboat
"..but the Grampian 26, have roomy interiors, and are surprisingly fun to sail. The only real downside to a Grampian is they are not the most beautiful vessel on the water." -Scarl
Reply to Scarl.. "I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Sure it may look a little boxey, but inside you have as much room (or more) than most 30 footers.." -jimq26
"No, I don't think they are ugly, I'm considering them myself. But 
they are not the first yacht to come to mind when people think about beautiful boats. Where they really shine is value... they are inexpensive and surprisingly good, fun, and safe boats. I probably should have mentioned the headroom when I posted, but I'm short enough to have standing headroom in a Shark 24 and seldom think in those terms. ha ha They definitely fit the bill as an easy to sail, small cruiser, that won't cost an arm and a leg." -Scarl

they are not the first yacht to come to mind when people think about beautiful boats. Where they really shine is value... they are inexpensive and surprisingly good, fun, and safe boats. I probably should have mentioned the headroom when I posted, but I'm short enough to have standing headroom in a Shark 24 and seldom think in those terms. ha ha They definitely fit the bill as an easy to sail, small cruiser, that won't cost an arm and a leg." -Scarl
"I have a Grampian 26 and although some people think of this boat as ugly, I love the standing headroom. The only time I hit my head is going from the galley to the V birth and forgetting about the lower height through the main bulkhead." -Gillfowdy
There are lots more comments like that about the Grampian 26 to be found, even in magazine reviews they say the same thing; "She's Ugly"...
Well.. personally I don't find them to be ugly at all.
But for the sake of those who think it is, I dedicate this old song...
Well.. personally I don't find them to be ugly at all.
But for the sake of those who think it is, I dedicate this old song...
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